Induction best practice

Examples of induction best practice

The resources in this section provide best practice induction examples and standards for managers to follow.

During an induction, it can be beneficial to give new staff an ‘induction buddy’. Pairing new staff with someone already settled into a similar role will provide reassurance that they have a named individual for guidance and information, as well as a friendly face. We would recommend you provide a clear brief to set out the role of the induction buddy and criteria for being one.

For workers new to the NHS, King’s Fund has provided helpful resources to help understand the NHS structure and processes. These include ‘The NHS explained: how the health system in England really works’ online course and funding flows in the NHS and how providers are regulated and commissioned. Visit the King’s Fund website to explore these resources.

When introducing new roles to an existing team it is important to remember the team will need inducting to the new role, as well as the new member of staff. Access the good practice guide on how to do this. 

Examples of induction best practice

Use the resources below to help shape your induction programme.
